The very beginning
The Mt Pleasant Show is run by the Mt Pleasant Agricultural, Horticultural and Floricultural Society Inc. ('The Society').
The Mt Pleasant Agricultural and Horticultural Society was formed in 1862. The first Annual Show, or Ploughing Match, was held in 1863.
The first showgrounds were located next to the School; the current Showgrounds or 'Talunga Park' has been utilised by the Show since the late 1970's.
A book to commemorate 150 years of 'The Society' was published in 2013; to obtain a copy please contact us.
If you have historical items that relate to the show, please contact the Mt Pleasant Local History Room www.mtpleasant.sa.au they would love to hear from you.
2013 Mount Pleasant A.H. & F. Society Inc Committee
Back L-R: Michael Seager, Jeff Henschke, Richard Hentschke, Neil Kroehn, Chris Hebart.
Middle L-R: Elaine Day, Jacqueline Lintern, Samantha Fawcett, David Kroehn.
Front L-R: Secretary Vicki Fawcett, President Nicholas Seager, Ass Secretary Mary Eglinton.