Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Goats, Alpacas, Fleece, Donkey, Cavies (Guinea Pigs), Childrens Pets, Poultry and Pigeons
Honey, Dairy Produce, Eggs, Fruit, Vegetables, Pot Plants, Cut Flowers, Dahlias, Floral Design, Jams, Preserves, Jellies, Cookery, Needlework, Arts, Photography, Crafts and Hobbies, Farm Hats n' Caps, Boots n' Shoes, Upcyling, Scrap booking, Party Pleasers, Home Brew and Wine
A list of exhibits and events that are just for kids...
Hall Exhibits
Junior Eggs, Junior Vegetables, Junior Pot Plants, Junior Floral Design, Fruit/Vegetable Creation, Junior Cookery, Junior Needlework, Junior Art and Short Stories, Junior Photography, Junior Decorated Gumboots, Junior Upcycling, Junior Scrapbooking, Junior Party Pleasers,
Animal Events
Childrens Pets, Junior Poultry, Junior Handler various animals